Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Talk S#%t Tuesday

Say what you will and I promised myself that I would not do this BUT, that was then.
I believe in a lot of photographers, but what I can not stand is a photographer who is not open to change.
Isn't photography all about seeing things from different perspectives.
Also, I promise to keep things more brief in future posts.
Ok the culprit.
As I mentioned I recently went to Photoshop World and it was awesome. While I was there I signed up for a pre- conference session with a "So called" "Wedding Photographer "
I aspire to shoot weddings and I will. I shot one and had a blast.
Again I digress, so the reason why I say he is a
"So Called Wedding Photographer"
is because he is getting rave reviews for his work which mind you is I have to admit may be good BUT not great and if you are a photographer and look at his work you can tell me what is "not great" about it. Hmmm maybe I should start a contest, anyway who cares right? This guy is charging crazy money for s$$t work.
He uses cheap lenses which in my opinion is the biggest NO NO EVER.
That will be a later blog entry.
Ok so one of the reasons why I am not a big fan and why I am talking s#%t is based on his Raw perspective. This "So Called Wedding Photographer" charges piss crazy money for jpegs yes you heard me right. I believe in modest pay for a modest day. If you aren't familiar with the Raw file format a Raw file contains more information and is what we really aim for, If I was paying for service I don't have any interest in paying for assistants if the photographer cant get it right in the camera.Oh yeah look at his portrait work do ya see any catchlights in his wotk maybe he should use the right lens at the correct focal length.I want the most for my money. I know it is more work but with the right software it is exactly how it's suppose to be.
In short jpeg is quick and easy and Raw is work, isn't that what you pay for at crazy prices. "Work for me I think not" I love photography and welcome the work.

I'm not a "Hater" just the facts. ( sorry had to go there).

I would hate to think the American way is to charge outrageous prices for the least amount of work and be glorified as a great photographer. Maybe good businesman or crook but not photographer.

Thats it for today thanks for taking the time and don't forget to ask yourself

What have I shot today??

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